Our Privacy Policy

Why We CollectYour Information

Provincial and Federal government legislation on privacy laws has emphasized the
importance of our commitment to protecting collected personal information. NC Living’s
policy is that information collected from our clients is used to manage your tenancy and not
disclosed to third parties without your knowledge or consent. Protecting your privacy is
important not only to you but also to NC Living. Information collected via this website is intended
strictly for internal use and will not be sold, rented, or released in any manner to any individual,
group, corporation or agency. The data NC Living gathers used solely to help us provide you
with the information you need.

How We ProtectYour Information

NC Living. is accountable for the personal information you provide us. Our privacy policy
administrator is responsible for ensuring the company’s compliance with the principle of
privacy. Our employees have also been trained to deal with the private use of your
information and ensure that the company complies with Alberta’s Personal Information
Protection Act (PIPA) and Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act

The Purpose for the Collection of Private Information

The purpose of collecting personal information by NC Living is to enable the company to
manage our client’s investments properly. Employees, owners, suppliers, tenants and new
customers will be notified upon collecting personal information that it is provided to. strictly
for proper investment management and is compliant with privacy legislation.

Information Automatically Collected

Like many other websites, this one automatically gathers general information such as the
visitor’s IP (Internet Protocol) address, the date and the time this site is accessed, the sections
visited, and the content downloaded. This non-identifiable information is collected specifically for
website and system administration purposes only. This site may use cookies to make your site
more operational and properly link to the information you request.

Visitor Information Reports

Website Visitor Information Reports are generated to help us better understand user
demographics and traffic patterns. Personal information regarding Real Estate transactions is
provided privately to NC Living as an ordinary course of conducting business.

Links to Other websites

Please be aware that when you click on links that take you to third-party websites, you will be
subject to their respective privacy policy. While we support the protection of privacy on the
Internet, we cannot be responsible for the actions of third parties. We encourage you to read the
posted privacy statement whenever interacting with any website.

Your Consent for Collection Use and Disclosure Required

The knowledge and consent of our clients are required for the collection, use and disclosure
of their personal information. Consent clauses appear in NC Living’s Agreements,
Employment Agreements, Rental Applications and any form that information is transmitted
on. This also includes electronic communication.
NC Living. limits the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the
purpose of our business. The personal data that is collected by NC Living. will be done so
by fair and lawful means.
Information acquired by NC Living before January 1, 2022, is deemed to have been
collected pursuant to consent given by that individual. This information may be used and
disclosed by the organization for the purposes for which the information was collected.

Limits for the Use and Disclosure of Information

Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which
it was collected, except with the individual’s consent or as required by the law. Information
disclosed to a third party that is not covered by this privacy policy is done in written format
and signed by the individual. Personal data shall be retained only as long as necessary to
fulfill our purpose. Personal information shall be as accurate, complete and up-to-date as
necessary for the purpose it is being used.

Protection Safeguards for Your Information

Personal information shall be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity
of the data. Security of the information shall be monitored and controlled by the
administrator and all employees of NC Living.
Our company shall make readily available to our client specific information about its policies
and practices relating to managing personal information.

Your Right to Access Your Personal Information

Upon request, our clients shall be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of their
personal information and shall be given access to that information. Our clients shall be able
to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as
Our clients shall be able to address a challenge concerning compliance with the above
principles to the administrator for the organization’s compliance. In the event that our clients
suspect that their personal information has been collected, used or disclosed contrary to the
Act, they should contact our office immediately at info@ncliving.ca